
by Tess

I love taking photos especially of my orchids (I have two). I try to get creative when taking my photos. For example I often play around with lighting and the flash. Also repositioning your plant can make all the difference. It takes me several pictures to find one I think is perfect. It is hard not to photograph these exquisite flowers.
I did not grow my orchid, though I wish I did. But I am proud of it all just the same.

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Jun 23, 2018
Name of Orchid NEW
by: Sandra

Hi there !
I have the same orchid and it’s in bloom now. Do you know the name of this Orchid?
Thank you

Nov 03, 2015
orchids NEW

My mother-in-law has 5 orchids and she cares so much for them. Every time we come to her place with my hubby, she gives us tasks:) The most important one is watering the orchids. I don't know much about them. I'm afraid I can do something wrong, you know.

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