Terrestrial Orchid

by Dave Ellickson
(Eugene, Oregon, US)

This flower is growing in my Mothers back yard, first time ever! It has 6-8 inch long, orchid looking leaves, growing close to the ground, 18-24 inch tall stems, with beautiful small yellow orchid flowers. She grows indoor orchids, says it's an orchid...But can not identify in any of her books. There are roses, lilac trees, dogwood trees, etc. Stays rather shaded and sheltered from weather. We live in Oregons Willamette Valley. Any info I could pass on to her from this photo would be wonderful. Thank you, Dave

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May 14, 2012
Cable's Reply
by: Cable Thompson

This plant is indeed an orchid. Unfortunately, I don't recognize the particular type; it's growing in the ground as a terrestrial orchid, right? I do not know of any terrestrial species that look like that, so I'm not sure what it is! Does anyone else recognize it?

May 14, 2012
by: Dave Ellickson

Yes, it's growing outside and was not planted by her. She has lived in her house for over 50 yrs. and this flower has never appeared before, or any others. She does raise indoor orchids, but this has her stumped! Thank you for the response, DE

May 15, 2012
Cable's Reply
by: Cable Thompson

Wow! It doesn't look like any of the native orchids of Oregon, so maybe a neighbor planted it there?

Aug 08, 2012
by: Dave Ellickson

My mother has lived in her house for over 50 years...so neighbor planting it is highly unlikely....Mom not remembering she planted it is probably a better angle on the plant. Thank you, DE

Jan 01, 2013
I think t might be...
by: Ani Bruzual

A Bletilla, the thing is I don't see the leaves very well in the picture.

Look for Bletilla images and see if it looks like your plant.

I'm new at this, so do not trust me 100%.

May 02, 2015
Calanthe sieboldii
by: SilkKnoll

I believe your yellow terrestrial orchid is originally from Japan -- Calanthe sieboldii.

May 02, 2015
I think he's right
by: Ani Teresita

We're only missing your confirmation if you google the name he gave you (Calanthe sieboldii) and go to the images tab you can see pictures with the plant included, if the plant looks like yours then you probably got it!

If the plant looks different than yours we need to keep looking for the name.

THe description of the plant in your first post made me think of a Bletilla, but a closer look of the flowers and the likeliness of the other candidate given to you discourage me on the idea.

Please confirm to us if the plant also looks like the pictures

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