Dendrobium thyrsiflorum

by Sue Rallis
(Gosford, Australia)

Hello, I inherited these 4 plants from my father when he passed 3 years ago. He was an orchid grower and judge in Northern New South Wales. These were his favourites. The problem is although they have grown tremendously, only 1 of the 4 flowers each year, the pink and yellow. The yellow and white his flowered once 2 years ago.
I have read what you have said about light, the are all in the same place over about 1.5 meters. Is there some food I should give them? Should I remove some of the back bulbs.
Any help to get these guys flowering as they should would be greatly appreciated.
Regards Sue

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Nov 12, 2015
Cable's Reply
by: Cable

Hi Sue, beautiful photos!

Here's some fairly good advice on this group of Dendrobiums.

Since one of the plants is doing well for you, my guess is that the plants are pretty healthy, but missing a blooming cue that helps them know when to bloom.

Most likely, you may be overwatering in winter -- they really need to dry out between waterings and even shrivel a little. Then keep them wet again from spring through fall.

Or perhaps they need a cooler/brighter winter than they're getting -- they grow on deciduous trees in nature, that drop their leaves in the cool months. It may take a little detective work to figure out exactly what seasonal cue they're missing.

Best of luck!

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