Does anyone have any idea what this Dendrobium(?) looks like in flower

by SG

Notice new growth (is that possibly a bloom?)

I've been searching to find a picture of this type of orchid in flower. Its leaves are thick and very stiff, stiffer than the phals leaves. Due to its look I've concluded its a Dendrobium, but even with my search I have not been able to identify what kind, or even what the flower will look like. I've had it a year now (bought it one day on a whim from a guy at the market) and it has not yet flowered, I figure its just coming up to blooming size, especially since it underwent some trauma as when I got it there was significant insect damage. It has seemed healthy for some time now, but no blooms. Can anyone help with IDing this orchid, and possibly directing me to a link with pictures of it in bloom?

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Oct 28, 2013
Cable's Reply
by: Cable Thompson

That does indeed look like a Dendrobium. Unfortunately, it will be hard to know what type for sure until it blooms. My recommendation would be to gradually acclimate it to as much light as it can stand, and water just as it approaches dryness (while growing actively), and a bit less often when you don't see active growth. That's just a best guess, it'll be easier to know when it blooms.

Oct 30, 2013
by: SG

Thanks much Cable! Have been doing just that. I had hoped that someone would be able to tell me what kind of Den. it is, or have a pic of it in bloom so that I could go about identifying, as I have had no luck from my search based on the plant itself.... Any direction there?

Nov 01, 2013
Hard to say!
by: Ani Bruzual

First, kudos to you!! It actually looks very healthy, and for my experience it is a little away from blooming, meaning that it might need a little more growing.

I have 6 dens now, 2 are the hanging ones (cucullatum and anosmum), the other 4, when not blooming are impossible to identify if not by their tags, and they bloom white with the center in deep purple, violet with deep purple center, full dark purple, green with brown center.

So, a 100% agree with Mr. Thompson... it will be very difficult to give you a picture of a possible flower, but don't get sad about it, it will actually be more exciting when you catch a glimpse of its first spike and ooh dear, you'll feel it will never bloom and start talking to it to open the flowers soon....maybe that's just me. Anyways you'll get marveled no matter what color or shape they are.

Keep nurturing it like you are doing and you will be rewarded for sure.

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