white spots on leaves

by sharon benson
(liberty, missouri)

please let me know what to do for 2 of my orchids.
they have white fizzy spots on them.
thank you

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Jun 12, 2024
White mealy bug I think
by: Linda

I hope you can help,
I have 20 orchids , I am seeing white looks like mold or mealy bug, on 6 of the plants, I got an insecticide soap spray, treated the and moved the to a different room. Do I need to treat all of them, do I need to change the medium. This started when I brought fresh cut roses in the house near my hydroponic garden, it ruined all the plants, herbs, it was sticky all over the plants and unit.
Any suggestions?

Aug 13, 2012
Cable's Reply
by: Cable Thompson

Without photos, it's hard to know exactly what's happening to your plants, but I have a couple of guesses. White, fuzzy spots could be a description of a mealybug infestation (Google mealybugs to see some pictures.) It could also be a fungus growing on the surface of the leaves, probably in places that were wet for a while. In either case, a good first step would be to wipe the fuzzy spots off using a mix of water, a little dish soap, and a little isopropyl alcohol, then wait to see if the problem returns.

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